皇家艺术学院(3)皇家艺术学院,Royal College of Art, 简称RCA,
皇家艺术学院是**的全研究式大学。不同于英国其它大学硕士学制1年,皇家艺术学院学制为两年。学生拥有实践艺术所需要的独特的设计环境,学院也为学生创造了优秀的艺术环境。学校位于伦敦**文化区South Kensington,被多所**博物馆与画廊包围。位于Battersea的新校区已投入使用,待2014年全部建成,超过三百名学生会在这里学习生活。
1837 年建校,世界最**的艺术设计学院之一,也是**的只有研究生阶段的艺术设计学院
1837 年创立,原名为 Government School of Design,位于 Somerset House,Strand
1851 年大博览会(**届世博会)后,改革并更名为 National Art Training School,移至现今的South Kensington(南肯辛顿)校区
1896 年更名为 皇家艺术学院
1967 年获皇家特许状,拥有独立颁发学位权利
提供MA,MPhil 和 PhD 三种学位,总学生数约 800,平均年龄 26,总约 100 多教职员工,全部为**艺术家,设计师,作家。每年10月- 7月学期段的访问教授/从业者数量巨大,最密集的年轻艺术家,设计师和传播工作者的团体,学院提供了一个聚焦于设计环境中的艺术与艺术环境中的设计的团体。学院在世界上的声誉来自杰出的艺术与设计教育,基于员工,学生,以及当然,校友。学生除了英国外,来自约 35 个国家,混合的背景和天赋使得在学院的学习是一种独特的经历。
学院的中心有着一个强烈的信念:基于 Project 的教育,面对面地教授和专业的指南。一个以这些途径鼓励毕业生“找到他们自己的声音”的信念
2002 年 Higher Education Funding Council for England 所进行的 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) ,RCA 在 Art and Design 得到了5 分(满分)
在 1997-2001 的官方统计中,超过 92% 的学生毕业后在曾学习的专业或相关的领域工作
School of Material (材料学院)
Ceramics & Glass 陶瓷与玻璃
Goldsmithing, Silversmithing, Metalwork & Jewellery (GSM&J) 金银/金属加工与珠宝
Fashion Menswear 时尚男装
Fashion Womenswear 时尚女装
Textiles 织品
School of Architecture (建筑学院)
Architecture 建筑
Interier Design 室内设计
School of Communications (传达学院)
Animation 动画
Game Design 游戏设计
Information Experience Design 信息体验设计
Communication Art & Design 艺术传达设计
School of Design (设计学院)
Design Interactions (DI) 交互设计
Design Products (DP) 产品设计
Innovation Design Engineering (IDE) 创新设计工程 (原 Industrial Design Engineering 工业设计工程)
Service Design 服务设计
Vehicle Design 交通工具设计
School of Fine Art (美术学院)
Painting 绘画
Photography 摄影
Printmaking 版画复制
Sculpture 雕塑
School of Humanities (人文学院)
RCA/V&A Conservation 皇家艺术学院/维多利亚阿尔伯特博物馆文化保护
Critical Writing in Art & Design 艺术设计写作
Curating Contemporary Art 当代艺术管理
History of Design 设计史
以及各科系的研究学位(MPhil, PhD, Project or Thesis Based)
MA —— 雅思 6.5(作文6.0),托福 220(作文4.0), 托福IBT 90 (作文20),PTE 64 (作文54) MPhil —— 雅思 6.5(作文6.5),托福 237(作文4.5), 托福IBT 92 (作文24),PTE 62 (作文62) PhD —— 雅思 7.0(作文7.0),托福 250(作文5.0), 托福IBT 100 (作文30),PTE 68 (作文68)
通过初审后 2月通知面试(条件不允许的情况可能可以视频货电话面试,个别专业要求必须到校面试)
IDE专业同时颁发 帝国理工的 MSc
19th century
Helen Allingham, painter HRH ThePrincess Louise Caroline Alberta, Duchess of Argyll Maxwell Ayrton, architect SirGeorge Clausen, painter Austin Dobson, poet Christopher Dresser, designer Conrad Dressler, sculptor and potter SirLuke Fildes, painter Kate Greenaway, illustrator William Harbutt, sculptor and inventor ofPlasticine | Gertrude Jekyll, garden designer Alfred Garth Jones, illustrator Edwin Lutyens, architect Walter Sykes George, architect Henrietta Montalba, sculptor Mortimer Menpes, artist Edward Poynter, artist Elizabeth Thompson(Lady Butler), painter Sir Hubert von Herkomerpainter, composer, film maker Fred Whisstock, illustrator |
20th century
Kristian Aadnevik, Fashion Designer M. R. Acharekar, painter, art director David Adjaye, architect Victor Ambrus, illustrator Frank Auerbach, painter Mathias Augustyniak, graphic designer and art director, founder ofM/M (Paris) Christopher Bailey, Creative Director forBurberry Tom Barker, technologist, design engineer, and a professor at RCA. Jonathan Barnbrook, typographer and graphic designer, one of the 'Young British Artists' Sebastian Bergne, industrial designer Allen Boothroyd, industrial designer John Bridgeman (sculptor)head of sculpture Brimingham College of Art Cressida Bell, textile designer Henry Bird, muralist Peter Blake, painter Quentin Blake, cartoonist, author and illustrator ofRoald Dahl's books Derek Boshier, painter Victor Burgin, 1986 Turner Prize nominee Ian Callum, Design Director (Jaguar cars) Moray Callum, automotive designer (Ford) Gillian Carnegie, 2005 Turner Prize nominee Benedict Carpenter, 2001 Jerwood Sculpture Prize winner Michelle Cartlidge, illustrator Patrick Caulfield, 1987 Turner Prize nominee Jake and Dinos Chapman, 2003 Turner Prize nominees Betty Churcher, Director of theNational Gallery of Australia, 1990–1997 John Clappison, ceramic and glass designer Ossie Clark, fashion designer Benjamin Clemens, sculptor Clarice Cliff, ceramic designer, modeller and sculptor Sue Coe, political artist Richard Cook, painter Susie Cooper, ceramic designer Jack Coutu, printmaker and sculptor Tony Cragg, 1988 Turner Prize winner Adam Dant, 2002 Jerwood Prize winner Alki David, writer, actor, director, philanthropist, explorer and businessman Robin Day, designer Richard Deacon, sculptor, 1987 Turner Prize winner Roger Dean, artist Len Deighton, historian and author Charles Dillon, designer Jane Dillon(née Young), designer and artist Ian Dury, musician, singer James Dyson, designer Benoit Pierre Emery, silk scarf fashion designer Tracey Emin, artist, 1999 Turner Prize nominee Cathie Felstead, illustrator Alan Fletcher, graphic designer, founder ofPentagram Marion Foale, fashion designer Elizabeth Fritsch, ceramic artist, potter Anton Furst, production designer Mary Gillick, sculptor James Henry Govier, painter, etcher, and engraver [R.C.A. etching demonstrator] Raymond Hawkey, designer and author Thomas Heatherwick, designer and sculptor John Hedgecoe, photographer, founder of the photography department at RCA Barbara Hepworth, sculptor Hilda Hewlett, pioneer aviator and aviation entrepreneur David Hockney, painter Eileen Hogan, painter Peter Horbury, automotive designer (Ford) Laurence Housman, playwright Albert Houthuesen, artist Michele Jannuzzi, graphic designer | Chantal Joffe, painter Jasper Joffe, artist Allen Jones, artist R. B. Kitaj, artist Simon Larbalestier, photographer Noel Harry Leaver, painter Dante Leonelli, artist David Mach, 1988 Turner Prize nominee Jeremy Marre, film director Kenneth Martin, sculptor Simon Martin, epigrapher and Mayanist scholar Donald Maxwell, artist and illustrator David Mellor, cutler and industrial designer Sam Messenger, artist John W. Mills, sculptor Henry Moore, sculptor Malcolm Morley, 1984 Turner Prize winner Jasper Morrison, designer Paul Neale, graphic designer Chris Ofili, 1998 Turner Prize winner Marilene Oliver, sculptor M. C. Oliver, calligrapher Vaughan Oliver, designer and graphic designer Chris Orr, English artist Christopher Orr, Scottish artist Jay Osgerby, designer Susan Parkinson(née Sanderson), ceramic artist, teacher, co-founder of Arts Dyslexia Trust Brothers Quay, stop-motion animators Zandra Rhodes, fashion designer Ceri Richards, painter Bridget Riley, artist SirRidley Scott, film director (brother of Tony) Asif Kapadia, film director Johnny Rozsa, photographer Tony Scott, film director (brother of Ridley) Uday Shankar, choreographer George Shaw, artist, Turner Prize nominee 2011 Peter Sís, artist and illustrator Graham Smith, photographer Martin Smith, automotive designer (Ford) Richard Smith, graphic designer Cecil Stephenson, artist Peter Stevens, automotive designer Stuart Stockdale, fashion designer Linda Sutton(painter), RCA 100 mural prize 1972 Storm Thorgerson, photographer and designer David Tremlett, artist, Turner Prize nominee 1992 John Tunnard, artist Charles Tunnicliffe, painter Gavin Turk, artist Sidney Tushingham, painter and etcher Dirk van Braeckel, Director of design (Bentley Motors) Lee Wagstaff, photographer performance artist Ray Walker, mural artist, 1945–1984 Suling Wang, artist Richard Wentworth, sculptor Alison Wilding, 1992 Turner Prize nominee Christopher Williams (Welsh artist), 1873–1934 Joash Woodrow, painter Jon Wozencroft, graphic designer and cofounder ofTouch Music Andrea Wulf, History of Design 1999 Althea Wynne, sculptor Carey Young, artist Mukul Dey, Painter-Engraver David Blackburn (artist), landscape artist |
21st century
Christopher Bailey, creative director at Burberry
Christine Berrie, illustrator
Gillian Carnegie
Guy Hendrix Dyas, designer and feature film production designer, BAFTA winner 2010
Max Hattler, visual artist, animator
Idris Khan
Liz Neal
Xavier Pick, artist
Sophy Rickett, visual artist, awarded theArts Council of England
Helen Chadwick Fellowship, and theBritish School at Rome, Italy
David Sullivan, contemporary British painter
Suzie Templeton, director of animated films, winner ofAcademy Award2008
Erdem Moralioğlu, fashion designer
快速成形机 6 台:
ZCORP 一台 (3D 粉末打印)
EBM 一台 (电子束熔炼,构建钛粉末层)
SLA 一台 (立体光刻技术)
OBJET Eden 500V 一台(超薄层厚树脂喷射成型技术)
SolidScape Wax Printer 一台 (高解析度蜡打印机,用于陶瓷型铸造)
FDM 一台 (熔融沉积快速成型,使用ABS塑料)
大型 5 轴 CNC 一台
IDE系 在帝国理工的区域 09年将继续扩充,将扩建新的presentation room, 更大的工作室空间等等
IDE 帝国理工方面设备:
大型平面激光切割机一台 (可切割金属)
3轴 小型 CNC 一台
FDM 一台
SolidScape Wax Printer 一台 (高解析度蜡打印机,用于陶瓷型铸造)
FDM 一台 (熔融沉积快速成型,使用ABS塑料)
大型 5 轴 CNC 一台
全球高校网(4ICU)国家高校排名 第102名
韦伯麦特里克斯网(Webometrics)世界大学排名 第2239名